How Your Username, Shop Name, and Full Name Represent You

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There are three types of names that you can use to represent yourself on Afrosmartshop.


You may have registered with a username when you created your account. You can sign in with your username or email address.

  • You cannot change your username.
  • Your username is public information.
  • Your username is in the web address to get to your profile:

Shop name

If you sell on Afrosmartshop, your shop name represents your Afrosmartshop business.

    • Your shop name is in the web address to get to your shop:
    • Shop names can be changed.
    • Shops are additions to buyer accounts, so you’ll still have your username. You can’t sign in with your shop name if it’s different from your username.

Full name

Your full name, which is optional, represents you as a person. Having a full name can make it easier for friends to find you on Afrosmartshop.

Your full name can’t be a business name, but it can be your first name, initials, a nickname you use in real life, or multiple names (if multiple people run your shop). You can change your full name at any time.

To change your name:

  1. Go to You > Account settings > Public profile.
  2. Click Change or Remove in the Your Name field.
  3. Enter your first and last name.
  4. Click Save Changes.
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