Can I Permanently Delete My Afrosmarrtshop Account?

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) give individuals more transparency, rights, and control over the way their personal information is used. They also provide rights for data deletion, access, and portability.

As an Afrosmartshop member, you have the option to permanently close and delete your account. Permanently deleting your Afrosmartshop account can’t be undone.

If you don’t want your account to be permanently closed and deleted, you may consider:

  • Closing your Afrosmartshop account: When you close your Afrosmartshop account, your account becomes inactive, and you have the option to reopen it.
  • Closing your Afrosmartshop shop: If you want to close your shop and continue buying on Afrosmartshop, you can close your shop instead of your entire Afrosmartshop account. You can reopen your shop at any time.
  • Unsubscribing from Afrosmartshop emails: You can keep your account open and change your email subscription settings. When you unsubscribe, you won’t receive marketing emails, but you will continue to receive emails such as when you make a transaction, we update our Terms of Use, or when required by law.

How to permanently delete your Afrosmartshop account

Before you permanently delete your Afrosmartshop account, check that:

  • For sellers
    • You have no amount due in your payment account
    • You have fulfilled all your orders
    • You have resolved all your cases
    • You have saved any information you need for tax or record keeping purposes
    • You will not want to use the account’s email address in another Afrosmartshop account.
  • For buyers
    • All cases you opened are resolved
    • You have no additional cases you want to open, since you won’t have access to the case system after you close your account
    • You have saved any information you need for your records

To permanently close and delete your Afrosmartshop account:

  1. On, click You.
  2. Click Account settings.
  3. Click Privacy.
  4. Click  Request deletion of your data under Permanently close and delete your Afrosmartshop account.
  5. You’ll receive an email with instructions to complete your deletion request.

For security and verification purposes, you must make the deletion request while logged into the Afrosmartshop account you’d like to close and delete.

The permanent deletion process will begin once any open issues like overdue payments, unfulfilled orders, or unresolved cases are resolved, and may take around two weeks. Depending on which of our services you’ve used (such as whether you’ve made purchases or sales on Afrosmartshop) or if your account violated our policies, we may be required to retain certain information for legal, regulatory, tax, security, or compliance reasons for a limited period of time, after which it will be deleted.

This deletion is permanent and your account cannot be reinstated.

Can I reuse my email address for a new Afrosmartshop account?

Deleting an Afrosmartshop account doesn’t “free up” the associated email address for use on another Afrosmartshop account. Instead, the email address will become permanently unavailable to use on Afrosmartshop accounts. If you want to re-use the email address on the Afrosmartshop account you are deleting, you can change the email address on the account before you delete it.

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