How to Remove an Item from Your Cart

Estimated reading time: < 1 min

To remove an item from your shopping cart:

  1. On, click Cart in the top right corner.
  2. Click Remove under the item you want to remove from your Cart.

You can also click Add to your wishlist to move the items to your wishlist section toward the bottom of your cart. You’ll need to create an account or be signed in to save items in to your wishlist.

Click Move to cart when you’re ready to purchase an item you saved for later. Or click Move to favorites to save the item in your favorites.

An item in my Cart was automatically added to my wishlist

If you’ve had an item in your cart for more than 30 days, we’ll automatically move it to the wishlist. If you want to purchase this item, scroll to the bottom of your Cart page and click Move to cart under the item.

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