Privacy and Personal Information

Estimated reading time: 1 min

On Afrosmartshop, we ask that members respect each other’s privacy and personal information.

Don’t publicly post another member’s personal information without their explicit consent, and please use discretion in disclosing your own personal information.

Examples of personal information:

  • Full names
  • Home or other physical addresses
  • Email or other online contact information
  • Telephone numbers
  • Tax identification numbers (social security, etc)
  • The content of a private email or message to another member or Etsy employee

Private information in listings

If you believe that an Afrosmartshop listing includes your private information, you may report this using Afrosmartshop’s site-wide reporting tool.

Private information in the Afrosmartshop Community

Afrosmartshop members may not post private or personal information in the Afrosmartshop Community and content that harasses, targets, insults, trolls, or calls out other members is prohibited.

If you believe that another member is singling you out or sharing your personal information without your consent in a Forums post, you may flag it for review by our Forums team.

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