Elligible Items on Afrosmartshop

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Afrosmartshop reserves the rights to revoke a product that is not authorized or that is reported as copied or plagiarized. If that happens many times with the same seller, his shop can be disabled.
You will find below the product acceptance policy on our website.

1- Non authorized products

  • Products with poor quality pictures
  • Prohibited products defined in the General Terms and Conditions

2- Made in Africa products

A product is considered inspired “Made in Africa” if it meets the following criteria:

  • A product made of new or used African material: fabrics, beads, designs or other component of the product.
  • With a message or meaning clearly linked to Africa or Afro culture
  • Any product Afrosmartshop accept as an African inspired product

3- Plagiarism and counterfeit

Copied or plagiarized products detected by or reported to Afrosmartshop will be automatically rejected. If it happens many times with the same seller, his shop can be disabled. You can report any copied or plagiarized product by going to product page or “report this product to Afrosmartshop” .

It is strictly forbidden to use other sellers or websites pictures. You should only upload pictures that belong to you.

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