Afrosmartshop Commission Rate

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The Afrosmartshop subscription allows you to open a shop, list items on sale and take advantage of all Afrosmartshop services.

Starting 2021, the registration is still FREE but there is a montly subscription to benefit our multiple services. The subscription fees are 1€ per month (12€ per year).

When an item is sold, a commission of 10% is automatically deducted and invoiced by default on the total amount of the sale (shipping costs excluded).

For your information, when an order is cancelled, the commission we have taken is automatically refunded to you. The funds are then transferred to the client’s wallet or to your next invoice.

Want to get a commission rate lower than 10%?

To benefit from a lower commission, please contact us per e-mail to discuss if you are or can elligible.

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